Every month, we invite rescue groups to bring their hard to photograph dogs into the studio. I shoot a ton of exposures. Volunteers squeak toys, blow whistles, and stand on their heads. Treats flow at the rate of a fire hose. Fabulous trainers keep the dogs on set, facing the correct general direction and from having a meltdown. All in the hopes of getting great expressions. Janet art directs, edits to find the best poses and is a host without compare.
After retouching out the leashes, we create a nice advertising piece to find homes for these dogs. It really helps generate a ton of adoption interest and happens to be the best part of our jobs.
BIG THANKS to all the DSDA fosterers & volunteers; Elise Bissell, Andrew Bissell & John
Join us for our next shoot. If you know of a rescue organization that needs compelling photos to find their fosters good homes, please call Janet at (214) 395-8990. Also, we would LOVE your help as a volunteer!